Two Novels

February 22,2005

Chaka Khan…Chaka Khan…Chaka Khan…Chaka Kahn!

January 24,2005

Postscript to Dylan Documentary

January 21,2005


January 11,2005

Postscript to Rose and the Monkey Spider

January 07,2005

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Postscript to Rose and the Monkey Spider

January 07,2005

On reading my November 28, 2004 posting (The Epicure) on a d’Arenberg Rousanne wine called The Money Spider, my ol’ friend Chris Holmes emailed with a suggestion that I provide a hyperlink for spider loving wine drinkers, who may wish to know more about the erigoninae. Here it is: I did not understand a word of it.

Bons mots et mauvais mots by the famous and not so famous

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